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ACCU-FORM products now available on the DCi Sales Network



ACCU-FORM products now available on the DCi Sales Network

For over 30 years ACCU-Form has been a pioneering manufacturer in the aftermarket automotive interior business. From the original creation of the Dash-Cap¿ in 1981 ACCU-Form now covers over 1300 makes and models between the Dash-Caps¿, interior door panels and other interior parts. We offer proprietary manufacturing and have a creative R&D team. It is our ambition to continue being the leader in the after market automotive interior world. Over the years, we have perfected the blend of our high temp. polymers to create a high quality and durable product with best UV deflection in the market. We are committed to delivering top quality products promptly whether it be large stock orders to your warehouse or direct to your customer through our drop ship program. Full order automation is available via FTP. Orders may be manually submitted through the website, phone or fax. We are digitally integrated to deliver any or all of our product data in virtually any format that your IT team requires We have an energy and a passion for the automotive world. We are driven to find new opportunities in partnerships built on trust, integrity and mutual benefit. We have a knowledgeable and friendly staff. Be a part of our “can-do” team. For additional information about ACCU-Form Inc and their products, please contact them at (800) 344-3274. DCi is excited to announce products from ACCU-Form are now available on the DCi Sales Network.

The DCi Sales Network provides over 80,000 businesses in the automotive aftermarket access to enhanced manufacturer product data, which is viewed by millions of consumers and drives over $7 billion in sales across the automotive aftermarket.

DCi’s Do-It-For-Me electronic cataloging solution accommodates industry standard and custom formats, and now allows participating manufacturers to also access real-time demand reporting for their products across our CatalogRack platform.

To learn more on how DCi and our exclusive sales network can help you improve product visibility, accelerate speed-to-market and increase sales through every channel of distribution, please contact us at sales@dcinet.com.

Keywords: ACCU-Form%2C%20plastics%2C%20Dash-Cap