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Terms & Conditions

This represents the complete agreement between DCi and the CatalogRack.com user (Customer). DCi and Customer agree that CatalogRack.com will provide certain information access services and that the Customer will use those services in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This agreement supersedes any prior agreements, either written or oral, between DCi and Customer with respect to CatalogRack.com access. DCi may revise or modify this agreement (including terms, conditions, and/or prices) at any time without prior notice, and any such revisions or modifications will become effective upon the date of their posting to the CatalogRack.com website or on the date stated in the agreement, if a date is so stated. Customer's acceptance of the terms of this agreement is further indicated by the completion of the subscription process.

Definitions: A Customer is an individual or business that subscribes to CatalogRack.com.


A. DCi will provide subscribers with access to CatalogRack.com as outlined on the CatalogRack.com website and in brochures and other literature. These services and the literature describing them are subject to change by CatalogRack.com without prior notice to the Customer.

B. DCi prohibits the Customer from utilizing any material, information, data or functionality of CatalogRack.com as a portion of a service to be resold.

C. The Customer agrees that it will adhere to any laws related to the use of copyrights and trademarks of materials accessed over the Internet or uploaded to sites on the Internet, and the Customer further agrees to adhere to any laws enacted to govern the use of, or access to, the Internet.

D. The Customer may not resell the Service without the written consent of DCi. DCi, at its sole discretion, may terminate Service if the Customer fails to comply with any of the terms of this Service Agreement, or for any other reason that DCi considers compelling.


A. Each CatalogRack subscriber account requires a login id and password which is provided by CatalogRack.com to the subscriber at the time the account is established. In the event that this login id and password are used by someone other than the subscriber, CatalogRack.com will log off of the network all concurrent users of the account and may, at its sole discretion, suspend or terminate any Customer's account if it determines that the Customer is violating any of the terms of this agreement.

B. The Customer agrees not to use any programs, devices, or processes on CatalogRack for the purpose of accessing computer files, programs, or networks for which it does not have permission to access.

C. The Customer agrees that it will not make any claim (including attorney's fees) against DCi for loss from business interrupts resulting from the Customer's use of its access account.


DCI shall not be liable for any errors in the data base. In no event shall DCI be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages.


A. CatalogRack reserves the right to modify its services at any time. CatalogRack.com will provide notice of any changes to its Customers by Email or by posting the notice on CatalogRack.com’s website. It is the responsibility of the Customer to remain abreast of such notices by browsing the appropriate section of the CatalogRack.com website from time to time.


A. A Customer must provide DCi with written notice of cancellation either via the cancellation link in Setup.


A. DCi databases containing any Customer information (including usernames, Email names, and passwords) are password protected, and access to this information is restricted only to authorized DCi personnel.

B. Any information provided by a Customer to DCi is considered confidential and treated accordingly. DCi employs encryption technology where available and applicable. Data files residing on DCi’s computer network are backed up on a regular basis. Access to this network is password protected and is restricted only to authorized DCi personnel.

C. DCi computer network is physically located in a facility secured by key locks, cipher locks, and a monitored security system. This facility resides in a building where all entries are secured after hours by key locks and/or cipher locks.