Product Applications
Check Stock Availability with 205 sources!


General Questions

Q: What does it cost to use CatalogRack?

CatalogRack is free to all qualified aftermarket businesses.

Q: Can I have more than one session going at one time?

Yes, you can have up to three computers connected to CatalogRack in any 24-hour period.

Q: What if I don't see a brand I like on CatalogRack?

Please click on the Feedback button at the top right of all the product pages, or you can use our Contact Us form to let us know who you'd like to see listed in CatalogRack.
All manufacturers and brands you see on CatalogRack have been cataloged by DCi for them, as part of our All-Channels Cataloging program. Your feedback to us about what brands you would like to see will help us to reach out to those companies to have them signup for the All-Channels program.

Q: What if the vehicle I am looking for is not in the list?

If you cannot find your vehicle in the selection, it means that either there are no parts available that match your vehicle; or that the part category you picked has no parts matching your vehicle.

Q: What if a part number I am looking for is not in the catalog?

If you cannot find a specific part number, it could mean that that part has been discontinued and been removed from CatalogRack, or it may be not fit your vehicle if a vehicle has been selected.
However, if you know that a certain part number should fit the vehicle and/or part category you selected, please use the Feedback button to let us know what part numbers are missing.

Q: How do I send in corrections to the information I see on CatalogRack?

Please click on the Feedback button at the top right of all the product pages. Once we get your input, you will get an e-mail notifying you that it was received, and letting you know the timeframe that you can expect a response.

Finding Products

Q: How do I look up a part?

Once logged in, there are three ways for you begin a part search:

  • Make a vehicle selection
  • Choose a part category
  • Use the keyword search box

You will be guided through to list of parts that match your interest, and will be prompted to select options -- mostly related with vehicle fitment -- if necessary to ensure correct part selection.

Q: Why am I being asked questions that do not seem to apply to my lookup?

CatalogRack will sometimes prompt you to select vehicle options that you may not think apply, like Engine Size when you're searching for Shock Absorbers. However, to ensure correct part selection, if only one manufacturer offers shocks that are dependent on the Engine Size, then it will be asked for every shock selection. This applies to all parts on CatalogRack.

Q: Why is it taking so long to find a product?

There are a number of things that can affect the speed of the product lookups, such as: the speed of your computer; the speed of your Internet connection; or the amount of Internet traffic at that time. You can check your connection speed by going to www.speedtest.com.

Q: Why doesn't the picture shown match the product listed?

The manufacturers supply all product images on CatalogRack. We match the images to the part numbers following their guidelines. Sometimes the picture for the exact part, or the part on a specific vehicle is not available.

Contact DCi

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