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BRANDMOTION adds their products to the DCi Sales Network



BRANDMOTION adds their products to the DCi Sales Network

Brandmotion specializes in the design and integration of emerging automotive safety technology, with our goal being zero deaths a year due to traffic accidents. The best way to reach our goal is to help automotive suppliers leverage and extend their technology into existing vehicles, and at the same time provide consumers with greater freedom of choice in choosing the features and content for their vehicles.” For additional information about the Brandmotion line of products, please contact them at (734) 619-1250. DCi is excited to welcome Brandmotion to the DCi Sales Network.

The DCi Sales Network provides over 80,000 businesses in the automotive aftermarket access to enhanced manufacturer product data, which is viewed by millions of consumers and drives over $7 billion in sales across the automotive aftermarket.

DCi’s Do-It-For-Me electronic cataloging solution accommodates industry standard and custom formats, and now allows participating manufacturers to also access real-time demand reporting for their products across our CatalogRack platform.

To learn more on how DCi and our exclusive sales network can help you improve product visibility, accelerate speed-to-market and increase sales through every channel of distribution, please contact us at sales@dcinet.com.

Keywords: Brandmotion%2C%20safety