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DCi Customer Success Story: Newegg


Accurate and Ready-to-Implement Data

With nearly two decades of experience in the automotive industry,
Thuy Dang, marketplace director for Newegg, came in to his position at
the eCommerce giant with the understanding that accurate and
ready-to-implement data would be key to Newegg’s entry into the
aftermarket parts industry. That’s why, as one of his first moves, he
turned to DCi as Newegg’s data partner.

“We were pretty strong in car electronics, but we wanted to get into
the parts business, and we know that fitment is an important issue for
that industry,” says Thuy.

"We have merchants that have the catalogs, but we really wanted someone to
help us provide that data, and help us really ramp up quickly and grow
sales for those parts that do require fitment.

A Strong Data-Management Partner

As Newegg continued to grow into the automotive aftermarket parts
industry, having DCi as a partner has helped Thuy and his team face an
incredibly daunting challenge: the extensive amount of data needed for
Newegg’s parts offerings.

“There’s a lot of data for automotive – there are millions and
millions of SKUs. I think we have over 7 million parts right now in
automotive on Newegg. It’s a very big data set,” says Thuy.

Finding a partner like DCi and really working with managing that data is very important for us.”

Driving Success With Data

With an eye to the bottom line and intention
to grow this side of their marketplace traffic, Thuy and his team have
already seen DCi’s eDataFlow impact their sales in a big way, reporting
that quarter-over-quarter sales grew 30%, with sales volume over 70%.

“[DCI’s] eDataFlow has definitely helped us drive sales. We turned it
off at one point to do some system upgrades, and we saw a drop in
sales. Once we were able to update our system and bring in the data from
DCi again, we were able to see the sales move up quickly again,” says

“I would absolutely recommend a retailer turn to
DCi if they’re managing their data manually. Working with DCi is a quick way to ramp up and build your business,” says Thuy.

“If you’re investing in marketing or other things to grow your
business, working with the DCi data can really help you maintain new
customers, and the quality data keep them as lifelong customers.”

Ready to learn more about DCi’s product data solutions?

Call us at 515.276.0442 or contact us online to schedule a demo today!

Keywords: Business, Data, eDataFlow, News, Resellers