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Direct Communications, Inc., (DCi) Announces Weekly Report on New Products, Like Delivering The SEMA Show to Buyers' Desktops Every Week


Des Moines, Iowa, November 1, 2013 -- Direct Communications, Inc. (DCi) has taken an innovative step to help manufacturers and key buyers in the automotive specialty equipment aftermarket move products to market faster.
The newly created New Item DETAIL Report automatically goes to over 1,000 specialty aftermarket retailer key buyers every Wednesday. The report uses DCi's partner manufacturers' electronic cataloging data to provide buyers with the week's newly released new part numbers, along with the additional DCi-created fields of information buyers need to quickly load product data into their purchasing systems.
DCi President Mark Toebben states, "It's like we are delivering the SEMA Show directly to retailers' desktops every week." With just a couple of clicks, buyers can find the new products they want, instantly download the product data, and begin to issue purchase orders for new items.
"We think this will significantly change speed-to-market for specialty products," Toebben adds.
Rodger Dalrymple of retailer Clemson 4 Wheel Center said, "The fact that these new numbers are presented in a standard format is huge. When I get data from each manufacturer, it is presented in a different way, and I’m on my own in getting it into my system. This new report makes it very easy for me to scan the first column for brands that I sell regularly. I think each week it will take 10 to 15 minutes or less, whether it's a few hundred parts or even more, to get data up and running in my system."
DCi's manufacturer partners will realize the benefit when key buyers at specialty equipment retailers are able to place orders sooner than what has historically been the norm. Part numbers are not added to each weekly report until all critical information is included. Cary Redman, National Sales Manager for manufacturer Edelbrock said, "I like the concept and what it is going to do for the industry and getting new product information out quickly. In the past it was always a struggle."
The New Item DETAIL Report is delivered free-of-cost to retailers. Performance and accessory parts buyers who wish to receive this free report can send contact info to NewItemDetailReport@DCinet.com.
For more information about DCi and the New Item DETAIL Report, visit http://www.DCiNet.com or visit DCi at the 2013 SEMA Show, booth #33051, South Upper Hall.
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